Friday, April 4, 2008

Frontlines: Fuel of War

I'm the voice of a character in the new videogame, Frontlines: Fuel of War. My character is a guy named Joe Mikowski, a 24 year old Private, 1st class on the Stray Dogs unit. He is from Boston and has a thick accent (that's how I got the job).

Listen to how tough my character is in the description: "Private Mikowski is a consumate professional; only he doesn't speak like one. Never afraid to give his opinion, and tell the rest of the world 'how it is', Mikowski sees things as black and white. Every cause has an effect, and Mikowski is all about causing his OWN effects."

For more character description and even a PICTURE of my character go to the site FRONTLINES. I also, surprisingly, found a fan site with even more game info,HERE.

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