Saturday, April 26, 2008

my buddy Jeremy's latest commersh

Jeremy Redleaf plays a last
btw this Meijer is a department store located in Chicago.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Red Hot Chili Pepper cover band

Pepperspray (in which I am the lead vocalist) played last weekend in Nyack, New York at the Old Fashioned Pub and Restaurant. Check out my band's Myspace page HERE and please enjoy this low-quality video of one of our live New York City performances. (don't forget to "Crank it"!!!)

White Guys Like Big Butts Too! (the SONG)

My original song/video recently passed 10,000 views on YouTube. If you haven't seen it yet, it is a very "artsy" piece (and when I say "piece" you know what I'm talkin' bout!!!! Ohhhhh!)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Frontlines: Fuel of War

I'm the voice of a character in the new videogame, Frontlines: Fuel of War. My character is a guy named Joe Mikowski, a 24 year old Private, 1st class on the Stray Dogs unit. He is from Boston and has a thick accent (that's how I got the job).

Listen to how tough my character is in the description: "Private Mikowski is a consumate professional; only he doesn't speak like one. Never afraid to give his opinion, and tell the rest of the world 'how it is', Mikowski sees things as black and white. Every cause has an effect, and Mikowski is all about causing his OWN effects."

For more character description and even a PICTURE of my character go to the site FRONTLINES. I also, surprisingly, found a fan site with even more game info,HERE.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Acting Coach Anthony Abeson

Last month I enrolled in an acting class that is taught by Mr. Anthony Abeson. Anthony is a brilliant, one-of-a-kind induvidual. Check out his site HERE.

Below is a quote from his BLOG:

You don’t start talking for no reason. First you create the situation, the reaction the interaction, the partner and then, maybe out of the life comes the lines. Stanislavsky once said, “Even a dog doesn’t just come right in and start barking at his master.” A dog goes in, it sniffs around and then it sees it’s master and “Arf, arf.” Look at cats. Have you ever let a cat out of the house? I used to and then we learned the hard way: Don’t do that.

But a cat, the first thing a cat does when it goes outside is it sits up and it looks at the sky. Oh God, why don’t we do that more often? It looks up at the sky, taking in the big picture and then it starts to meow, because it sees a mouse, or because it’s in heat, or because it wants to get back in, or, or, or, or, or. But first the life, then the lines.

Do you realize that what we are trying to infect you with is the tendency to create the very life that I’m very pleased Sam was able to create first? And we’re also trying to prove to you with stories like this that it really does result if not in employment then at least in feedback because the difference is so incredibly obvious. Talk is cheap. Actions - life - speak louder than words.

Arby's commercials

I recently recorded 6 television voice overs for Arby's that are going to be running cable and some network spotted regions. Let's hope that I keep this account longer than the Macy's job that lasted only 3 weeks :) "I'm thinking Arby's."
Macy's commercial (I'm the Voice Over)