Tuesday, July 24, 2007

production meeting for my short film

This past Saturday I had a meeting with my DP -John R.- regarding my upcoming short film "Tube This!". We laid out a tentative skeleton of a schedule and it looks like shooting will begin the second weekend of September. On Friday I went by my agency C.E.S.D. and browsed through some headshots in the theatrical department. I found 5 or 6 female actors that could potentially work out as the girl in my flick. One of them is a regular on a Soap Opera. Stay tuned for more on "Tube This!"

Sunday, July 15, 2007

you won't beLIEVE this is my own voice!!

This is a promo I did for a friend of mine. It's some type of musical CD compilation thing he is toying with. I thought that given the genre, a little Wolfman Jack immitation would be suitable. Does anyone even remember that guy? I recently saw American Graffiti and said to myself - "Dang. I can do that guys voice to a T!!!" Hilarious. Here it is music VO promo.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

AT&T radio spot (new) listen

I recorded this a few weeks ago and I think it's currently running however I don't listen to the radio enough to hear these darn things. Well here's the link. Enjoy. GO_Phone!